Starting with GSS, we explore the roles and relationships between different entities within the Gogoro Galaxy. As headquarters, GSS serves as the crucial link between design and sales, while providing behind-the-scenes support for frontline partners, retail outlets, and maintenance systems.
We printed the illustrations and layered them with different materials like acrylic boards before photographing them. This approach not only added visual depth but also maintained the visual consistency of using photographs for covers since our first issue.
從 ‘20 Q4 G-330 星球的序章開始,我們總共花了一年又三個月,用五季說明 Gogoro 部門之間的分工。這五季的手機版封面也可以串連起來變成一幅長長的畫!
Starting from '20 Q4 G-330's, we spent a year and three months using five seasons to explain the division of labor between Gogoro's departments. The mobile version covers of these five seasons can be connected to create one long illustration!
越要講複雜的事情,就越需要簡單故事。而宇宙、行星、外星人,誰不喜歡呢?藉由一張張圖、一格格文字的出現,同時也在梳理及理解 Gogoro 的資訊。「這個部門在幹嘛?」、「那個部門跟這個部門有差異嗎?」用文字講很難懂,所以我們為每個部門設計一個角色,視覺化他們的工作內容。
The more complex the subject matter, the more it needs a simple story. And who doesn't love the universe, planets, and aliens? Through the progression of illustrations and text blocks, we simultaneously organize and understand Gogoro's information. "What does this department do?" "How is this department different from that one?" These concepts are difficult to explain with words alone, so we designed a unique character for each department, visualizing their work content.
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